IT Departments, CRM Admin and Microsoft Implementation Partners face the real world challenges of migrating users and their data from legacy Microsoft CRM version to CRM 2011, and 2013 every day. The crux of the issue typically resides in having success on CRM v4, or v2011, where users are actively updating, sharing, and working in CRM effectively and that once a user is migrated, they lose access to the information entered by users still on the legacy version, and vice versa.
How can your organization be damned by success?

The answer is simple. As companies migrate/upgrade to CRM 2011, or CRM 2013, the organization cannot properly support the migration and training of users and cannot place at risk the adoption levels achieved to date, nor can it have users functioning in two systems disconnected from each other, as there will be data loss, and key updates not shared across the enterprise. As users continue to update data and work in CRM throughout the user migration process, your databases will get further and further out of synch.
Also, this is not just a large, global organization with hundreds, or thousands of users’ problem. It also applies to small and mid-size organizations that have constraints of internal resource to assign to the CRM migration project.
We all know from experience that if you just “flip the switch” for these types of organizations, the entire project and investment will be at serious risk. SyncIT truly revolutionizes the approach organizations can take to eradicate this risk potential. The following highlights SyncIT core feature set and highlights several “Real World Scenarios” that are supported. In addition, you will note several key features providing long-term ancillary benefit, as well.
Real World Scenarios:
The SyncIT “Fit”
Scenario 1: Requirement to migrate enterprise Microsoft Dynamics CRM Users from CRM v4 to CRM 2011, or CRM 2013
Solution's mandatory business requirement
To provide a way for users to gradually migrate from CRM and have all of their data updates shared across the legacy and upgraded platform.
SyncIT Solution
SyncIT™ allows Company's internal CRM team, or a Microsoft partner, to execute the user migration in an efficient and effective manner at a pace the Company can handle without disruption to the business process, or potentially adversely impacting adoption of the new CRM installation. SyncIT alleviates the need to migrate all users from the legacy system to the new platform at the same time.

Scenario 2: Requirement to Migrate data from proprietary SQL based system(s) or other structured data into Microsoft CRM
SyncIT Solution
SyncIT allows Company's internal CRM team, or a Microsoft partner, to map SQL server tables, views or select clauses to CRM entities and to run scripts that will perform the data import, while respecting relationships between entities.
Scenario 3: Requirement to keep data synchronized between a third party system and Microsoft CRM
Solution's mandatory requirement
The third party system provides an API, but does not provide direct access to its proprietary database. To meet the business requirement, the data should be synchronized on as close to a “real-time” basis as possible. SyncIT introduces a concept of connectors that can be easily developed for any external system providing reasonable API. Once the connector is defined, scripts can function transparently to implement even sophisticated business logic with minimum effort.
For further information on this innovative solution, please contact us for a technical overview.